Gridcoin Reddit Tip Bot Stats


Total users1480
Users with balance158
Tips count401
Reddit posts2529
Reddit messages12399

Last 10 updated posts


Last 20 tipping messages

r/gridcoin168dcivyesss! /u/grc_tip_bot 10whoaneat2024-03-02 16:46:43
r/gridcoin168dcivhere have a steak /u/grc_tip_bot 10whoaneat2024-03-02 16:46:43
r/gridcoin167ldxu/u/grc_tip_bot 10whoaneat2024-03-01 21:41:43
r/gridcoin15v5r7i/u/grc_tip_bot 10 well saidwhoaneat2024-02-18 21:16:46
r/gridcoin159tata/u/grc_tip_bot 1makeasnek2024-01-25 08:01:50
r/gridcoin159tata/u/grc_tip_bot 2makeasnek2024-01-25 08:01:50
r/gridcoin1574nboIndeed this is truly dissatisfying /u/grc_tip_bot 3.14makeasnek2024-01-23 04:11:48
r/gridcoin153krg5Love these memes! I believe soon we will have crowned a new meme king /u/grc_tip_bot 3.14makeasnek2024-01-18 21:51:50
r/gridcoin152jkxg/u/grc_tip_bot 3.14makeasnek2024-01-18 03:06:49
r/gridcoin151drso/u/grc_tip_bot 3.14makeasnek2024-01-16 16:01:50
r/gridcoin14utecwVery cool! /u/grc_tip_bot 50makeasnek2024-01-09 10:01:47
r/gridcoin13njw2wYou can message (send a DM, NOT a chat) to the tip bot with "withdraw youraddress 3.0" in the subject and body to get these GRC /u/grc_tip_bot 3.14 For folding@home, you can earn GRC and Curecoin at the same time, I encourage you to look into it once you get solo crunching going. Follow the Pool -> Solo guide at []( and then the solo guide.makeasnek2023-11-21 07:11:56
r/gridcoin13g1k5sIf you want to buy small amounts, []( is simple and requires no account. SouthXchange is better for more advanced and large trades. Txbit is fine but they have pretty hefty withdrawal limits. Here's your first few GRC you can check the newbie guide pinned to the top of the sub for how to withdraw it /u/grc_tip_bot 3.14makeasnek2023-11-13 00:37:23
r/gridcoin13duudu/u/grc_tip_bot 10 Welcome, have a stakewhoaneat2023-11-10 16:27:14
r/gridcoin13142m1Great discussion to get going. Been BOINCing since seti@home and been doing Gridcoin for about two years. The use case outside of all the normal use cases of a cryptocurrency is that it enables easy incentivization of computational power, Gridcoin's computational power is massive. Really though, Gridcoin can incentivize *any leaderboard,* we could issue GRC for the top contestants in the Olympics if we wanted to. Plus as far as cryptocurrencies go, it's one I can use and every time I do, I help support an economy based on science. /u/grc_tip_bot 3.14makeasnek2023-10-26 22:37:26
r/gridcoin12vxnxy/u/grc_tip_bot 10 have a steak :) Send a message to "grc_tip_bot" with the word "help" in the body for instructions: 02:22:10
r/gridcoin12ux1mv/u/grc_tip_bot 100 I've been wondering how we rankings have changed, thx for looking it up!whoaneat2023-10-22 02:17:14
r/gridcoin12j3lmvWelcome to Gridcoin /u/grc_tip_bot 3.14makeasnek2023-10-11 09:37:05
r/gridcoin12h0i4aYES! /u/grc_tip_bot 100whoaneat2023-10-09 19:37:13
r/gridcoin123qm66Awesome stats /u/grc_tip_bot 3.14makeasnek2023-09-27 12:07:25

Opensource Reddit Tipping Bot (github) by sau412.